ElateFit is a learning platform, which provides the free content on Yoga, Health Calculators, Fitness, Best Products, Science, Coding, Passive Income, and many more.


Our intention is to provide best authentic knowledge on the essential things like fitness and yoga to the people, so that they can live happy and peaceful life. We have the internal rules set by ourselves to not to give any information that is there in our mind, we just share the knowledge given by the greatest yogis, because our mind is not as mature and intelligent as of the greatest individuals like Krishna, Buddha, Jagadguru Basavanna, Sarvajna, Mahaveer, Jesus, and Patanjali, hence we just share knowledge given by them. We prefer great books like Hathayoga Pradipika, Gheranda Saamhita, Shushruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita, Bhagvadgeeta, Sarvajna Vachana, Allamaprabhu Vachana, and Basavanna Vachana.


We are intended to give easy understandable knowledge that is there in the authentic books as follows:


We will only give the authentic knowledge given by the great yogis, we will not give any knowledge in intent to gain more views or to take traffic to our website.



Software Developer, Yoga Teacher, Information Developer, Cinematographer


B.Sc. (Physics, Maths, Computer Science)

MBA (Finance, HR)

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