1. Rate your Anger

High Medium Low

2. Rate your Sleep

Good Medium Bad

3. Do you have Joint Pain?

Yes High Yes Medium No

4. Do you have acidity problem?

Yes High Yes Medium No

5. Do you face skin problems more often?

Yes High Yes Medium No

6. Do you sweat a lot?

Yes High Yes Medium No

7. Rate your sweat smell

Very Bad Bad Low

8. Do you get lots of thoughts?

Yes High Yes Medium No

9. Your Skin type?

Oily Dry

10. Rate your digestion power

Good Medium Low

11. Do you drink water more often?

High Medium Low

12. Do you get dipressed quickly?

Yes High Yes Medium Low

13. Rate your body fat

High Medium Low

14. Rate your urine smell

Bad Smell Medium smell Low smell

15. Rate your working nature

Quick and fast Medium Slow and continuous

16. Which season you like to live?

Summer Winter

17. Are you willing to loose weight?

Yes No

18. Are you willing to gain weight?

Yes No

19. Are suffering from Diabetes?

Yes No

20. Are suffering from Heart Disease?

Yes No

21. Are suffering from Kidney Disease?

Yes No

22. Are suffering from Lungs related problems?

Yes No

23. Are suffering from eyes related problems?

Yes No

24. Enter your Age.


Disclaimer: Please consult a Doctor before implementing any solutions for your problems on seeing the following results.





Depression: Try to include ghee in your diet, drink warm water after eating 2 teaspoons of ghee every morning in the empty stomach. Use natural essential oils such as lavender oil, lemongrass oil as a perfume. Listen to music that you like.
Heart Problems: Include garlic and lemon in your diet, eat one pomegranate every day. Avoid eating oil.
Eye Problems: Include cow butter, moong dal (yellow lentils), wheat, and barley in your diet. Eat mixture of triphala powder 5 grams + ghee 10 grams before sleep.
Skin Problems: Eat 5 grams of Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan) everyday in empty stomach. Drink 200ml concoction of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) everyday. include ginger in your diet. Try to reduce intake of salt.
Joint Pain: Try to include ghee in your diet, drink warm water after eating 2 teaspoons of ghee every morning in the empty stomach. Massage your body with sesame oil every day.
Sleep Problems: Drink the mixture of Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) 5 grams + Milk 100ml every night before sleep. Use natural good aroma in your bedroom.
High Fat: Include bitter guard in your diet, Drink 50ml of cofee without sugar and milk everyday. Try to reduce sweet from your diet. Drink 200ml concoction of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) everyday.
Kidney Problems: Drink concoction of Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) before food in the morning.
Lungs Problems: Include Pippali (Long Pepper) in your diet.
Digestion Problems: Eat ginger(5gram) + salt(3gram) before food.
Oily Skin: To get rid of oily skin apply gram flour (Chickpeas powder) before taking bath. To get rid of dry skin massage your body with coconut oil before taking bath.
Diabetes: Include Indian gooseberry, turmeric, and honey in your diet.
Anger: If you get anger quickly drink 10ml cow ghee + warm water daily in empty stomach.
DietPlan Average (Kapha) DietPlan Medium (Kapha) DietPlan Strict (Kapha) DietPlan Average (Kapha+Pitta) DietPlan Medium(Kapha+Pitta) DietPlan Strict(Kapha+Pitta) DietPlan Average (Kapha+Vata) DietPlan Medium(Kapha+Vata) DietPlan Strict(Kapha+Vata) DietPlan 1 (Kapha)(Diabetes) DietPlan 2 (Kapha)(Diabetes) DietPlan 1 (Kapha+Pitta)(Diabetes) DietPlan 2 (Kapha+Pitta)(Diabetes) DietPlan 1 (Kapha+Vata)(Diabetes) DietPlan 2 (Kapha+Vata)(Diabetes) DietPlan Average(Vata) DietPlan Medium(Vata) DietPlan Strict(Vata) DietPlan Average(Pitta) DietPlan Medium(Pitta) DietPlan Strict(Pitta)